AHISvcs is licensed by the state of TN to protect you when purchasing a home. We are here to help protect you when making a buying decision of this magnitude. Accredited has built it's reputation on referrals. Our lead inspector Mike Sweeney has been involved in the construction and real estate business for over 30 years. From home improvements to running crews for union companies, he has a vast knowledge base that will give you the piece of mind you deserve.
With today's mortgage climate Mike also has the knowledge to help you understand the safety issues that most lenders require. FHA VA, USRDA etc..Delays in your financing can cost you hundreds to thousands of dollars. At AHISvcs we take the old fashioned approach, we are not just there to inspect your home, we will take the time to go over issues, why they are occurring, how to handle them and how costly they will be to take care of. We will be there for you to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We are always a phone call away.
mold testing is now available as well as scoping of waste lines, additional fees will apply for these services.
We believe that integrity is the benchmark for success
670 Dogtown Drive, Savannah, Tennessee 38372, United States
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: By appointment